COP-26 Introduction

The twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the UNFCCC is scheduled to be held in Glasgow, UK, from Nov 1-12, 2021, with delegates from different countries, climate experts, and negotiators to create an action plan to tackle Climate Change. There is space for countries and international organizations to showcase climate action, highlight climate issues, and share knowledge in the conference. With a focus on using renewable energy sources, carbon-free transport, and net zero-carbon emission by 2030, COP 26 highlights these major action plans.

For the second NDC, Nepal focuses on Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), Agricultural, Forest and other Land Use (AFOLU), and Waste to reduce GHG emission and keep the global temperature to 1.5 degree from the industrial age, in accordance to the ratified Paris Agreement in 2015. MoFE and GoN have identified four key engagement aspect for COP 26, which are:

i) Showcasing Nepal Climate Change Agenda in COP 26;
ii) Enhancing partnership and dialogues leaving no one behind;
iii) Defining and strengthening Nepal’s position for COP26; and
iv) Ensuring strong representation in UNFCCC COP 26 negotiation process.